Mrs. Neipp's 7th and 8th Grade Class

Dear 7th and 8th Grade Parents,

We are excited to be a part of your children’s lives this year!   Thank you for entrusting them to our classroom, and we promise to make it more than just a classroom;  it will be a safe place for them to be themselves and to CELEBRATE their strengths and God given uniqueness.  If there are any ways that we can work together to ensure a successful and fulfilling year, our door is always open and welcome to communication.   

This year, Mrs. Neipp will be teaching math, chemistry / physics, and Religion, Mrs. Tolbert will be teaching English Language Arts, Ms. Golden will be teaching social studies, and Mr. Andrew will be teaching P.E., foreign language, media / technology, and assisting in performing arts.  Mrs. Neipp will be teaching every day from the beginning of the day to lunch, Mrs. Tolbert will teach a block schedule for 2 hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Mr. Andrew will teach the rest of the afternoons.  A daily schedule is attached.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.  

We look forward to seeing you at the Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, August 13, at 6:30.  We will meet in the church first, and then you can visit the classroom.  Please feel free to bring your school supplies (I have attached a list here).  Also, please plan on attending the 7th/8th grade Orientation Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, in our classroom.  You can choose either the 6:30 time slot, or 7:15.  

Praying for many blessings for you, your family, and our year together!

Yours Truly,

Mrs. Sharine Neipp

Mrs. Bethany Tolbert

Mr. Andrew Thornburg